The International School Student Profile

Based on research conducted with international school students, alumni and staff over the summer, this report explores the profile of students that international schools attract and how this has resulted in market shifts.

What does being internationally minded mean?

The International School Student Profile Report addresses how the promise of an international education for students has resulted in the dramatic growth in the international schools market, and explores some of the factors influencing the international school student profile at a local level.

This report summarises how the profile of an international school student has shifted over the past forty years:

  • How is the international school sector, which was established to meet the needs of one particular student profile, adapting to meet the needs of a very different one?
  • What are the influences impacting market growth, and have international schools shifted their vision, ethos, and teaching and learning sufficiently in the light of the new student demographic they serve?
  • Are international schools that market themselves as developing students with a global context or, more specifically, developing international mindedness, delivering what they promise?

Thank you to Bulb for sponsoring the report and enabling us to increase its accessibility.

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Let’s share good practice!

100% of respondents in the two research surveys said that international mindedness is not knowingly measured in their classrooms. Open dialogue in schools around international mindedness is key. With this in mind, our specialist report invites readers to explore the following questions:

  • How do international schools deliver international mindedness?
  • Are students well equipped to understand the difference between international mindedness and cultural intelligence?
  • What can be done to develop and measure international mindedness?

Included in this report

  • SECTION 1: How the international school student profile has changed
  • SECTION 2: Our research
  • SECTION 3: How international schools develop international mindedness of students, and suggestions for improvement
  • SECTION 4: Conclusions and recommendations


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We are dedicated and committed to supporting the broader international schools community by providing data, trends and intelligence. Since 1994, we have guided schools with their growth plans, informed investors on new school development, helped universities to engage with international schools, and advised education suppliers that are supporting the market.